Vol 7, No 1 (2023)


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    Background: Today, with the advancement of science and technology, societies are becoming more complex and specialized. Therefore,
    knowledge should be considered the foundation of the development and social welfare of countries.
    Objectives: The present study aimed to examine the role of three managerial skills in designing the competence model of education managers of Islamic Azad Universities in Khorasan Razavi.
    Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and exploratory mix (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of method. The measurement instrument in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview, and in the quantitative part, it consisted of a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population included 951 employees of the Islamic Azad University of Razavi Khorasan, of which 274 were randomly selected. For data analysis, the Delphi technique was employed in the qualitative part, and the structural equation modeling method of SPSS22 and AMOS26 software was used in the quantitative part.
    Results: It was found that 75% of managers’ competence depends on the dimensions of managerial skills (technical, human, perceptual). These dimensions can explain and predict the competence of education managers, including individual characteristics, organizational factors, entrepreneurial competence, business competence, leadership, decision-making, and cooperation.
    Conclusions: According to the results of this study, it is required to develop a long-term and operational strategic roadmap and program with a paradigmatic approach and a local and regional view.

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    Background: One of the centers that provide health services and treatment for HIV/AIDS patients is behavioral disease counseling centers. Today, patient safety and treatment combined with compliance with ethical and legal standards are among the most important concerns of medical and health centers, including the most important criteria for the credibility of an institution. In the meantime, medication errors in HIV/ AIDS patients lead to treatment disruption, drug poisoning, or even death. Considering the importance of the subject, the present research was conducted to identify and explain the factors affecting the management of medication errors in HIV/AIDS patients in Iran's health system.

    Methods: The present study is an applied study that was performed by descriptive method. First, by reviewing the research literature and interviewing 35 experts in the field of HIV / AIDS treatment, the variables and main components affecting the management of medication errors in HIV / AIDS patients were extracted and a research questionnaire was designed using them. Data were collected from 400 experts and specialists in infectious diseases, etc. Then, the collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling, and SPSS23 software and LISREL software.

    Results: Four factors were identified as effective factors in medication error management in HIV/AIDS patients: organizational, educational, individual, and communication factors. Organizational factors and communication factors with a factor loading of 0.763 and 0.646 had the highest and lowest impact on drug error management in HIV / AIDS patients, respectively.

    Conclusion: To efficiently and effectively manage medication errors in HIV / AIDS patients, while considering all four factors, organizational and educational factors should be given more attention and emphasis by managers.

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    Background: A healthy, clean, and secure environment is necessary for the hospital, one of the fundamental foundations of the nation’s healthcare system, to function well and sustain the general well-being of society. Timely detection of contaminated surfaces and efficient and timely disinfection will be helpful in hospital infection control.
    Objectives: The level of surface contamination of medical equipment in intensive care units was to be determined and compared as part of this research.
    Methods: Using standard microbial culture and nanosensors, the current study was conducted descriptively over one month, with a sample size of 400 cases on ten different types of medical equipment.
    Results: The findings showed that 66% of samples acquired using the nanosensor and 54.5% obtained using the culture medium were clean, and the rest were contaminated. The most prevalent microbes were also identified as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and salmonella, with 55.68%, 28.9%, and 23.86%, respectively.
    Conclusions: Both methods have the necessary precision to identify contamination reservoirs, and the contamination reported in both methods is similar to what was expected. So nanosensors can be utilized as a quick, precise, and affordable method when the aim is to identify the overall contamination rather than to differentiate between different types of bacteria.

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    Background: Considering the expansion of friendship between boys and girls during adolescence as abnormal behavior in our society and the important role of communication patterns in the family, it is important to investigate the effect of mediating variables on this social phenomenon.
    Objectives: The present research has investigated the model of communication with the opposite sex among teenage girls in Birjand city under the influence of communication patterns in the family and the mediating variable of assertiveness.
    Methods: This is a correlational study. The sample size was 360 female students of Birjand city. The sampling method was multi-stage cluster random sampling. The data collection tool was a set of questionnaires. We use correlational analysis methods and Structural Equation Model to interpret data.
    Results: The fitted model showed that family communication patterns have a significant effect on the relationship with the opposite sex through mediating variables.
    Conclusions: The communication pattern of dialogue alone does not play a role in the relationship with the opposite sex, but with increasing assertiveness; it decreases the relationship with the opposite sex.

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    Background: Failure to evaluate, examine, assess the requirements, and determine the quality level of the curriculum of educational fields will result in low-quality and obsolete curricula. It will prevent the academic areas from achieving their goals. Therefore, this study evaluates the overall quality of Iran's Health Technology Assessment (HTA) curriculum from the perspectives of instructors and students.

    Methods: The study was conducted with 127 instructors, students, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) graduates at Tehran, Iran, Kerman, and Yazd Universities of Medical Sciences. A researcher-made questionnaire did the data collection. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the entire questionnaire was 91%, and the intra-domain correlation coefficient was 87%, indicating that the instrument is appropriate. The data were analyzed with descriptive and analytical tests based on the normality or non-normality of the test using ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, two-way ANOVA, and the Friedman.

    Results: This research was completed by 114 of 127 participants. According to a review of diverse perspectives, the quality of the educational program in terms of design elements in special courses and executive elements in compensatory courses falls within the range of average (3.66 > mean > 2.33) or average (3.66 > mean > 2.33), to good (mean > 2.33). In addition, the majority of executive elements from special courses and design elements from compensatory classes are in an unfavorable position, with a mean>1.66 to average (3.66> mean >2.33).

    Conclusions: Problems and inadequacies are observed in a few curriculum implementation elements. Therefore, modifications should be made to remedy the inappropriate details and remove implementation obstacles to enhance the interested groups' capability and practical skills.