
Identifying Effective Factors in the Management of Medication Errors in HIV/AIDS Patients in Iran’s Health System Using Structural Equation Modeling

medication errors


Background: One of the centers that provide health services and treatment for HIV/AIDS patients is behavioral disease counseling centers. Today, patient safety and treatment combined with compliance with ethical and legal standards are among the most important concerns of medical and health centers, including the most important criteria for the credibility of an institution. In the meantime, medication errors in HIV/ AIDS patients lead to treatment disruption, drug poisoning, or even death. Considering the importance of the subject, the present research was conducted to identify and explain the factors affecting the management of medication errors in HIV/AIDS patients in Iran's health system.

Methods: The present study is an applied study that was performed by descriptive method. First, by reviewing the research literature and interviewing 35 experts in the field of HIV / AIDS treatment, the variables and main components affecting the management of medication errors in HIV / AIDS patients were extracted and a research questionnaire was designed using them. Data were collected from 400 experts and specialists in infectious diseases, etc. Then, the collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling, and SPSS23 software and LISREL software.

Results: Four factors were identified as effective factors in medication error management in HIV/AIDS patients: organizational, educational, individual, and communication factors. Organizational factors and communication factors with a factor loading of 0.763 and 0.646 had the highest and lowest impact on drug error management in HIV / AIDS patients, respectively.

Conclusion: To efficiently and effectively manage medication errors in HIV / AIDS patients, while considering all four factors, organizational and educational factors should be given more attention and emphasis by managers.

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IssueVol 7, No 1 (2023) QRcode
HIV/AIDS medication error management patient safety structural equation modeling exploratory factor analysis

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How to Cite
Keshtkar N, Masoudi Asl I, Hessam S, Mahfoozpour S. Identifying Effective Factors in the Management of Medication Errors in HIV/AIDS Patients in Iran’s Health System Using Structural Equation Modeling. Health Tech Ass Act. 2023;7(1).