
Comparative Assessment of Detecting Bacterial Populations on the Surface of Medical Equipment in ICU by Standard Microbial Culture and Nanosensor


Background: A healthy, clean, and secure environment is necessary for the hospital, one of the fundamental foundations of the nation’s healthcare system, to function well and sustain the general well-being of society. Timely detection of contaminated surfaces and efficient and timely disinfection will be helpful in hospital infection control.
Objectives: The level of surface contamination of medical equipment in intensive care units was to be determined and compared as part of this research.
Methods: Using standard microbial culture and nanosensors, the current study was conducted descriptively over one month, with a sample size of 400 cases on ten different types of medical equipment.
Results: The findings showed that 66% of samples acquired using the nanosensor and 54.5% obtained using the culture medium were clean, and the rest were contaminated. The most prevalent microbes were also identified as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and salmonella, with 55.68%, 28.9%, and 23.86%, respectively.
Conclusions: Both methods have the necessary precision to identify contamination reservoirs, and the contamination reported in both methods is similar to what was expected. So nanosensors can be utilized as a quick, precise, and affordable method when the aim is to identify the overall contamination rather than to differentiate between different types of bacteria.

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IssueVol 7, No 1 (2023) QRcode
Hospital Infection Healthcare-Associated Infections Nanotechnology Infection Control Indicators Reagents

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Ekrami A, Hosseini MA, Ekrami H. Comparative Assessment of Detecting Bacterial Populations on the Surface of Medical Equipment in ICU by Standard Microbial Culture and Nanosensor. Health Tech Ass Act. 2023;7(1).