Vol 4, No 2 (2020)


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    Background: Nowadays, due to the increased publication of articles in various scientific fields, identifying the publishing trends and emerging keywords in the texts of these articles is essential.
    Objectives: Thus, the present study identified and analyzed the keywords used in the published articles on medical librarianship and information.
    Methods: In the present investigation, an exploratory and descriptive approach was used to analyze librarianship and information articles published in specialized journals in this field from 1964 to 2019 by applying text mining techniques. The TF-IDF weighting algorithm was applied to identify the most important keywords used in the articles. The Python programming language was used to implement text mining algorithms.
    Results: The results obtained from the TF-IDF algorithm indicated that the words “Library”, “Patient”, and “Inform” with the weights of 95.087, 65.796, and 63.386, respectively, were the most important keywords in the published articles on medical librarianship and information. Also, the words “Catalog”, “Book”, and “Journal” were the most important keywords used in the articles published between the years 1960 and 1970, and the words “Patient”, “Bookstore”, and “Intervent” were the most important keywords used in articles on medical librarianship and information published from 2015 to 2020. The words “Blockchain”, “Telerehabilit”, “Instagram”, “WeChat”, and “Comic” were new keywords observed in articles on medical librarianship and information between 2015 and 2020.
    Conclusions: The results of the present study revealed that the keywords used in articles on medical librarianship and information were not consistent over time and have undergone a change at different periods so that nowadays, this field of science has also changed following the needs of society with the advent and growth of information technologies.

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    Background: In Iran, health technology assessment (HTA) system dates back to nearly a decades ago (2008).
    Objectives: The current study aimed to define steps required to expand HTA in Iran by emphasizing possible future events related to the health sector.
    Methods: A preliminary list of future trends potentially influencing Iran’s HTA system was extracted through the literature review. Then, the trends were presented to 12 experts to obtain their opinions. Afterward, their influence on the future of the HTA system in Iran was investigated using in-depth interviews. The interviews were analyzed using the thematic analysis method; Initially, in three categories of capacity building, provision of HTA, and supportive mechanisms, and then according to the essential functions of a health system (i.e.,control knobs).
    Results: Interviewees believed that strengthening the HTA system is mandatory, regardless of future political events. In the category of capacity building, adjusting training to the needs, using the capacity of graduates in conducting HTAs, training more students in the HTA profession as well as the establishment of a Ph.D. program, turning HTA into public demand, and preventing overuse of medical technologies were elaborated. In the second category (i.e., provision of HTA), the following themes were extracted: modernization and equipping of health system infrastructure based on the evidence provided by HTA, the legitimization of HTA to be used for all health technologies, preventing the introduction of unnecessary technologies and similar technologies that are currently using in Iran, and employing HTA in developing the basic benefit package.
    Conclusions: Due to international sanctions, Iran has a niche healthcare market. If sanctions continue, HTA would be a serious necessity to increase the resilience of the health system. In the case of sanctions relief, HTA is still necessary for the optimization of allocating resources. These steps, in both scenarios, are mostly related to the institutionalization of HTA, mostly on the legitimization of HTA and behavioral changes.

Review Article

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    Context: Regular performance assessment is the basis of effective managerial decision making which is crucial for increasing the productivity of an organization. A distinct characteristic of an effective performance assessment is the implementation of various methods which are aimed at assessing the conformity with multiple indicators and criteria. The aim of the present comprehensive review was to extract the factors affecting the performance assessment of organization.
    Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search in databases including PubMed, Embase, SID and Magiran in January 2020. Inclusion criteria were articles with the English language and full text available that were about influential factors. Two independent reviewers checked the research process, screening of articles.
    Results: Factors influencing an effective and efficient organizational performance assessment categorized in three themes and 22 sub-themes emerged. The themes included: “performance assessment indicators”, “performance assessment criteria” and “background factors in performance assessment”.
    Conclusion: Indicators, criteria, and background factors provide a framework for assessing the organization's overall performance. An organization can manage its human resources effectively and efficiently by considering all the effective factors. Identification and classification of influential factors can be of help for managers and decision-makers in creating performance assessment system.

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    Context: This systematic review and meta-analysis intended to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography angiography (CTA) in comparison with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) in chest pain patients with no history of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).
    Methods: Invasive angiography was considered as the reference test with a stenosis threshold of ≥ 50%. Cochrane, Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, and Embase databases were comprehensively searched from the time of inception of these databases to May 15, 2018. A manual search in Google Scholar, a reference review of the obtained studies, and a review of gray literature (including those presented in conferences and congresses) regarding diagnostic performances of CTA and SPECT techniques were performed independently by two researchers. A meta-analysis was performed to determine pooling estimates of sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic odds ratio, and positive as well as negative likelihood ratios in CTA and SPECT tests. According to the 2 × 2 contingency table of each study, at 0.95 confidence interval, the diagnostic accuracy of CTA and SPECT was meta-analyzed by pooling estimates of sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic odds ratio (DOR), and positive and negative likelihood ratios based on DerSimonian-Laird’s random-effects model. Heterogeneity was assessed by calculating I2. Analyses were performed using MetaDiSc version 1.4 and Stata version 11. The qualities of the selected studies were assessed independently by two researchers according to the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies (QUADAS) questionnaire. Sensitivity analyses were performed by the Jackknife method. Publication bias was evaluated by Deeks’ funnel plot.
    Results: Fourteen studies related to CTA (1206 individuals) and 15 related to SPECT (1638 individuals) were eligible for meta-analysis. The pooled sensitivity and the specificity of CTA for CAD diagnosis were 91% (95% CI, 88% - 94%) and 87% (95% CI, 84% - 98%), respectively. The pooled positive and negative likelihood ratios, the diagnostic odds ratio, and the area under the ROC curve for CTA were 7.93 (95% CI, 5.11 - 12.29), 0.1 (95% CI, 0.06 - 0.17), 95.71 (95% CI, 59.81 - 153.15), and 0.96, respectively. The pooled sensitivity and the specificity of SPECT for CAD diagnosis were 81% (95% CI, 79% - 83%) and 74% (95% CI, 71% - 78%), respectively. The pooled positive and negative likelihood ratios, the diagnostic odds ratio, and the area under the ROC curve for SPECT were 3.03 (95% CI, 2.34 - 3.91), 0.25 (95% CI, 0.21 - 0.30), 13.56 (95% CI, 10.60 - 12.34), and 0.86, respectively. According to the sensitivity analyses, the removal of any single study at a time did not change the effect size of the remaining studies. We observed symmetry in the Deeks’ funnel plot, indicating that there was ignorable publication bias for CTA and SPECT studies.
    Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the diagnostic accuracies of CTA and SPECT tests lie in the ‘excellent’ and the ‘very good’ ranges, respectively. CTA is stronger evidence, than SPECT, to rule out CVDs in patients with low and intermediate risks of CAD with no history of cardiovascular diseases.

Brief Report

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    Appropriate management of medical equipment is of crucial importance for providing quality healthcare. A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a computerized program used by healthcare technology management (HTM) systems as an instrument for maintaining, organizing, storing, and reporting the data related to medical technologies in health facilities. = Though CMMS is introduced as a beneficial and flexible tool for transforming the management of biomedical equipment, but no evidence of the same has been documented yet to highlight the efficacy of CMMS in the Indian context. CMMS, an e-Health system used by HTM programs, is a relatively new technology being adopted by various states of India. Such systems are vital to judging whether the system is operating and delivering the effects as desired. Assessment not only can inform policy-makers about what is known about the technology, but it also provides a better knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the intended technology. Health Technology assessment (HTA) is a systematic process designed to synthesize and evaluate the prevailing evidence for treatment or health delivery innovation. So considering the HTA perspective, an assessment approach to CMMS could be planned. Systematic reviews and empirical frameworks that have been used for understanding and assessing e-health programs can be used for evaluating technologies. Assessment of CMMS from a HTA perspective should be vital to the implementation of HTM systems by healthcare agencies.
