Criticism of Curriculum Quality Assessment Models: A Narrative Review
Context: Curricula are the heart of educational centers, and their continuous evaluation and revision are among the necessities of a sustainable and responsive program to respond to the needs of the beneficiaries who use them. Evaluation models are not comprehensive and are associated with shortcomings. The current review has investigated curriculum evaluation models using a narrative approach. In this research, curricula definitions, curriculum elements and components, how to evaluate their usefulness and quality, the necessity of revising and changing if needed, and finally, their criticisms were discussed. Curriculum evaluation models have strengths and weaknesses; however, curriculum evaluation is a necessity for every country due to its importance in improving the level of education and training of specialized human resources. It is suggested to design a new model suitable for the environmental and educational conditions of each country using the existing models.
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Issue | Vol 7, No 2 (2023) | |
Section | Review Article | |
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Criticism Evaluation Quality Curriculum Revision Narrative Review |
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