Public-private Partnership Experiences and Achievements in Providing Primary Health Care to the Elderly: A Scoping Review
Introduction: Given the expansion of public-private partnership (PPP) policy in the provision of primary health care to the elderly in different countries, this study aimed to investigate the experiences and achievements of PPP in this field using a scoping review approach.
Methods: This scoping review study was conducted in 2019 following the Arkesy and O'Malley framework. We systematically searched Google Scholar, a manual search of some journals, references of identified articles, reports and government documents review, web Sites, and other sources of information from January 2000 to October 2019.
Results: In total, 10 articles and reports were included, mostly from high-income countries. Twenty-five positive outcomes (12 for the elderly, four for their families, seven for the public sector, and two for the private sector) and three negative outcomes (all for the private sector) were extracted. The most important achievements included improving quality and access to services as well as reducing service costs.
Conclusion: The results show that public-private partnership policy has had many positive results. Therefore, as a major and effective policy, the use of this policy can be considered by policymakers and officials. In this regard, greater support for the private sector and a rigorous and scientific evaluation of this policy's achievements are recommended.
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Issue | Vol 5, No 3 (2021) | |
Section | Review Article | |
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elderly; primary health care; public-private partnership; scoping review. |
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