Evaluation of Validity Indices of Spiritual Competence Questionnaire
Spiritual Competence Questionnaire
Introduction: Spiritual competence in personal and work life increases compatibility, adaptation, problem solving skills, finding meaning in life events, inner and outer peace, dynamism and vitality and can have positive effects on other aspects of life. The first step to improve the status of spiritual competence in society is to evaluate it, which currently has few tools in Persian to measure it, so the purpose of this study is to translate and validate the Spiritual Competence Questionnaire.
Methods: After Persian translation, the formal validity of this questionnaire was inference using the opinions of nine experts based on Waltz and Basel and Lawshe's theory. Also, 179 people completed the research questionnaire to inference the reliability and perform exploratory factor analysis. Excel and SPSS24 software were used for statistical analysis.
Results: The validity of this questionnaire in two dimensions was 90% CVI = (simplicity of questions = 88%, relevance of questions = 96%, clarity of questions = 87%) and 97% CVR = standard. The reliability of this tool, which was calculated based on Cronbach's alpha test, was 89%. The KMO index in exploratory factor analysis was 88% and the mean-variance for seven factors was 67%.
Conclusion: In addition to proper reliability and validity, this tool; is quite simple and fluent. Also, with the ability to complete in 15 to 20 minutes, it has the necessary features to assess the spiritual worthiness of people in different age groups.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 5, No 1 (2021) | |
Section | Articles | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/htaa.v5i1.7384 | |
Keywords | ||
Spiritual competence Psychometrics Factor analysis |
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