Relationship Between Spouse Abuse and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Predictors of Domestic Violence in Women Visiting Comprehensive Urban Health Service Centers in Birjand
Background: Spouse abuse is a major human problem in various communities, which not only has legal aspects but also considerably affects family as the primary social institution.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between spouse abuse and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and identify the predictors of domestic violence in women visiting comprehensive urban health services centers in Birjand, Iran.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 475 women visiting comprehensive urban health services centers in Birjand were selected via the cluster sampling method. Data was collected using a demographics form, Samuee’s Standard Spouse Abuse Scale, and Rabie’s Behavioral Measurement Scale for obsessive-compulsive disorder. The collected data was entered into SPSS 16 and analyzed using MannWhitney, Kruskal Wallis, and Spearman non-parametric tests. The level of significance was set at α = 5%.
Results:The mean scores of OCD and domestic violence in the studied women were 9.7 ± 5.1 and 77.1 ± 27.9, respectively. Of all the participants, 86.5% had experienced mild violence, 9.3% moderate violence, and 4.2% severe spousal violence. Moreover, 42.9% of women were suffering from OCD. The mean score of violence was significantly higher in addicted women, women with OCD, and women with unemployed, loweducated, or addicted spouses (P < 0.05). Furthermore, women who had a history of family conflict or parental conflict were significantly influenced by violent, high-risk, and arrogant behaviors of the spouse. The mean score of violence was significantly correlated with some components of OCD, age of women and their spouses, and duration of marriage (P < 0.05). Obsessive compulsive disorder was determined as a good predictor of violence against women (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: It seems that numerous psychological problems of women, such as anxiety and OCD, can be attributed to family violence. On the other hand, anxiety and OCD can increase the level of incompatibility in women and make them more vulnerable to violence. Therefore, the identification of cases of violence and spouse abuse and the timely detection and treatment of OCD in women can ensure the physical, emotional, and psychological security of women in a family, and thereby contribute to the stability of the family and community and reduce social harms.
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Domestic violence against women married spouse abuse obsessive-compulsive disorder |
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