
Editorial for the Special Issue on “The Role of Accreditation in Improving Healthcare Systems Performance”


The World Health Organization’s annual report in 2000 sparked a global trend of assessing and improving healthcare performance indicators. These performance indicators provide tangible measures of the performance of health systems and healthcare institutions. Ranking countries based on these indicators has been a smart and strategic decision to focus the attention of health managers and policymakers on improving them. These performance indicators include quality, safety, equity, public health coverage, service continuity, comprehensiveness, accessibility, and etc. These indicators’ positive trajectory demonstrates the gradual attainment of the health system’s mission and objectives. An often-seen strategic error in health system administration, particularly in developing nations, is the excessive allocation of funds to physical infrastructure and the acquisition of costly equipment. This expense diminishes the resources that could be allocated to performance indicators improvement.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/htaa.v8i3.16401
Health System Performance Indicators Accreditation

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How to Cite
Gharibi F. Editorial for the Special Issue on “The Role of Accreditation in Improving Healthcare Systems Performance”. Health Tech Ass Act. 2024;8(3).