
Group visit: Blatant Violation of Patient Rights and a Stigma Attached to Health System Responsiveness


Objective: Health is the basic and definite right of the human being so we aimed to outline a concern about patient rights of gynecologists.

Results and conclusion: Considering the above mentioned facts, “stewardship” function of the health system requires the immediate legislation and strict monitoring to remove this stigma of malfunctioning responsiveness. Policymakers and planning authorities of the health system should pay particular attention to the legitimate and rightful demands of the patients. Considering the mere patients’ satisfaction percentage is not enough. By addressing the various dimensions of responsiveness, they must seek to improve the quality of the care provided. One of the first steps can be inhibiting “group visit”, especially in disciplines such as gynecology and women's urology.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/htaa.v9i1.17865
Human rights patient rights gynaecology group visit

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How to Cite
GhoddoosiNejad J, Arab-Zozani M. Group visit: Blatant Violation of Patient Rights and a Stigma Attached to Health System Responsiveness. Health Tech Ass Act. 2025;9(1).