
Editorial for the Special Issue on “Artificial Intelligence in Health System Decision Making”


Artificial intelligence is a new field that uses computers to act like human intelligence. AI is going to make big changes in healthcare in the next few years and will become much bigger in the next decades. Artificial intelligence is expected to help medical centers work better and efficiently, diagnose diseases accurately, and create treatment plans.

Artificial Intelligence has been used in health care fields with some success (1). Even though we have made a lot of progress using artificial intelligence for medical research, there are still differences between what the computers can do and what we need for real-life health care situations (2).

The fast growth of AI technology can be used in hospitals to improve how they treat patients. This could make a big difference in how healthcare is delivered. It is important to write down and share information about how AI is used in hospitals, so that healthcare workers have the right tools and know-how to use it properly (3).

To make better decisions, we need to evaluate how AI can change our healthcare system. Considering how important AI could be in many areas, we should look at more than just how well it works and how much it costs. We need to think about its overall value in the world and how it can help people in their daily lives (4).

Due to the increasing importance of the use and application of artificial intelligence in the field of health technology assessment and evidence-based policymaking, especially after Covid-19 pandemic, “health technology assessment (HTA) in action journal” decided to invite researchers and experts to help to develop this knowledge by publishing specialized papers in this field. It is hoped that the published articles can provide up-to-date results in this field.

The editor wants to thank all the authors who submitted their work to the special issue of the "HTA in Action journal" Also, thanks to all the reviewers for working hard to review the articles and help the editors make the final decision.


1) Sarica, A. Editorial for the Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Healthcare and Biomedical Application”. Algorithms 2022, 15, 97.https://doi.org/10.3390/a15030097
2) YAN, Ke., et al. Guest editorial: machine learning for ai-enhanced healthcare and medical services: new development and promising solution. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2021, 18.3: 850-851. ‏
3) ALOWAIS, Shuroug A., et al. Revolutionizing healthcare: the role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. BMC Medical Education 2023, 23.1: 689. ‏
4) ALAMI, Hassane., et al. Artificial intelligence and health technology assessment: anticipating a new level of complexity. Journal of medical Internet research, 2020, 22.7: e17707.
IssueVol 7, No 4 (2023) QRcode
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/htaa.v7i4.14657
Artificial Intelligence Health Systems Decision Making

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How to Cite
Mobinizadeh M. Editorial for the Special Issue on “Artificial Intelligence in Health System Decision Making”. Health Tech Ass Act. 2023;7(4).