
Letter to Editor: Importance of Implementing Resistance Economy Policies in Field of Medicines and Health Technologies


Accessing to health goods is one of the essential parts of human rights. Iran has experienced several rounds of economic sanctions in recent decades. As can be seen from past experience, it is obvious that these sanctions affected Iran's financial relations with other countries and banking services and as a result, it had adverse effects on the country's production. Although these sanctions have not directly targeted pharmaceutical products, but due to disruption of financial relations, they have affected widespread issues such as the possibility of importing raw materials, exporting pharmaceutical products, trade cooperation and partnership with foreign partners in the Iranian  drug and health technologies market

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IssueVol 5, No 3 (2021) QRcode
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/htaa.v5i3.9344
sanction drug health technology Resistance economy

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How to Cite
Sarrafkia A, Jaafaripooyan E, Dargahi H. Letter to Editor: Importance of Implementing Resistance Economy Policies in Field of Medicines and Health Technologies. Health Tech Ass Act. 2022;5(3).